A little bit of life, love, and artisan jewelry but mostly the

Home of the Confused Muse..

Where you will find the meadering thoughts of an actively artistic brain - as well as my latest creations, events, soapboxes, dramas, crisis, blessings, and life in general.

This is also the home of "ChrissyMarie Jewelry and Accessories", named for my daughter! Twenty-Five Percent of all sales from this line are donated to B.I.T.S. aka "Better in the Saddle", a local non-profit Equine Assisted Therapy Program ....because we KNOW horses help make miracles!


January 15, 2009

NO New Year's Resolutions for me!

Mid-January already? I KNOW! It's impossible that so many days have passed during this New Year and I have yet to come up with even one profoundly insightful conscious thought. LOL! Like that happens so often!

This is one thought I did have. Not profound or thought provoking but a simple statement of fact. I'm not making New Year's Resolutions this year. I always feel like a failure if I don't manage to achieve my goals - no matter how unrealistic they were to begin with.

I already have a list (a mile long) of things I need or want to change or improve upon. Why add more stress to an already stressful situation?

In these times of financial difficulty I can't afford to do everything I want to do. It's difficult even to "spend" time wisely when you're running amuck trying to get everything done and within a budget. I've decided to make a list of things I will try to do.

Here goes...

I will try:

  • to write in my Blog more often.
  • to spend more quality time with my family.
  • to spend less, give more, whine less, and pray more.
  • to better manage my time, my temper, and my ability to say "No" instead of yes to every request that comes my way.
  • to take better care of myself so I can be here to enjoy the gifts I've been blessed with.
  • to listen more and talk less.
  • to finish one project before beginning another or at least keep my husband from doing this :)
  • to plan ahead instead flying by the seat of my pants....and this one is especially difficult when my health is not something I can depend on and my brain has a mind of it's own....and not one I'm real familiar with :)
  • to be ON TIME! Time i.e. clocks are not my friend. I can't seem to get anywhere on time these days. I've always been a bit ditsy because of my ADHD but it has become someone MAGNIFIED since the Meningitis and Staph Infections in my brain.
  • to NOT berate myself for the changes in my brain that I have no control over....such as an ongoing struggle with time management, lack of visual memory, short term memory loss and the really big one for me.....the ability to use or remember numbers. (Now you know why time is an issue!)
  • to accept the changes and focus on the things I CAN do well.
  • to find the purpose God has for my life.
  • to be the change I want to see in my world.
  • to take better care of and spend more time with my parents.
  • to play with my dogs everyday...at least for a minute or two.
  • to remember to play more and work less...taking a cue from my dogs :)

See, the list goes on and on and on. The only resolution I am making is that I will not make a list of stress producing resolutions. I will only do what I can and leave the rest for next year.

Time is all we have and I'm hoping I have LOTS of it in my future!

So....here's wishing you a Happy 2009!